3 December 2008

20 November 2008

31 October 2008

Film Is Not Dead

The good folks over at the website Film Is Not Dead It Just Smells Funny featured my work for the second time, this month and contacted me to ask if I would be one of their featured artists.

26 October 2008

The Modern Wig

The Balding Man

Normal people write papers for art history classes. I sure hope it was worth the rash this wig gave me on my forehead :(

My brother thinks I look like Sean Penn and Paul says it's Tom Waitsish. More to be found on flickr.

16 October 2008

At David's Funeral

It's the prettiest little church in the world.

13 October 2008

Bear Feet

Bear Feet

Don't worry. It'll all start to make sense as the project marches steadily toward getting so big it kills me.

Added bonus: the feet were really fun to make and are even more fun to wear. Anyone want to try them on just ask.

26 September 2008

Also: here's a new painting.

Computers do crazy things to the colour of paintings.

Taking photographs of contact sheets! Not my best idea yet.

One day I'll get a scanner.

23 July 2008

12 July 2008

4 July 2008

3 July 2008

Some recent drawings done in the early thought process of the recent work I'm exploring. Thinking about the idea of loving something so much you destroy it, as in the love children try and express for family pets and the patience the pets need to display in the face of neck-crushing affection.

And some garbage and a fly that was grossing me out this morning:

28 June 2008


Oh yes. I always forget. Summer season actually is actually eating-freshly-picked-berries-until-I'm-sick-to-my-stomach season. Let the magic commence.

1 June 2008

My grandma used to play here (as I attempted to illustrate here)!

24 May 2008

Went for ice cream at the Twist & Crème with my brother and his girl.

We actually decided to go after finally watching a horrible (amazing) zombie movie we'd bought which was filmed locally - including at my new favorite ice cream destination.

2 March 2008

16 February 2008

20 January 2008

The One-Eyed German Shepherd

I couldn't stop thinking about the one eyed German Shepherd all weekend. I had to do it.

19 January 2008

I am going to go paint tomorrow. I couldn't stop thinking about the German Shepherd with one eye I met last night on the walk home from work. I am going to make him into a painting. Painting tomorrow and if I have time before they close, the gym. I am excited.

10 January 2008

The Cardshark

Yeah, I went there.